Unique architecture

Unique architecture

One of the highlights of Khinalig is the unique architecture of the village. Village houses are built according to the topography of the area. It is interesting that here the roof of one house and the yard of another house located higher than it are considered. As the area is mountainous, the houses are built very close together and usually the door of one house opens onto the roof of another house. Such construction of buildings is important for the protection of apartments from the cold on frosty and blizzard days. In the construction experience of the village, local building materials - rock and river stones, and straw and clay mortar were widely used in the construction of the walls. Among the buildings here are houses that are 200 to 400 years old.

It can be seen in the historical pictures that most of the houses used to have glass windows. Due to the harsh mountain climate, limited area for construction, and constant strong winds, the houses in Khinalig were built close together or almost adjacent to each other. One of the other noticeable points in Khinalig is that there are no trees in the village. Only herbs and shrubs, as well as agricultural plants grow here. Densely built residential houses in Khinalik are characterized by the absence of farm plots. In short, the village consists only of houses and flat roofs that serve as both courtyards and streets. Another reason for the dense construction of houses is related to protection from the enemy. So, in the past it was possible to enter one house from another house. In times of danger, this feature helped neighbors protect each other. Even today, the villagers act as a community and solve many problems together.

The houses of Khinalig people usually do not have furniture. Niches on the walls replace the function of furniture - residents store clothes and blankets here. Since the villagers are constantly moving, they do not keep their belongings in the furniture.